The Joy of GamingVideo Series

Remembering Halo 3: ODST 10 Years Later – The Joy of Gaming

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Ten years ago, on Sept. 22, 2009, Halo 3: ODST released. The game essentially drops you into the role of a grunt, surviving a War of the Worlds-esque disaster scenario. It was a completely different experience from what the Halo franchise from Bungie had delivered up to that point: dark streets, cold, uninviting, but in an exciting and atmospheric way. The game can even be creepy in a non-horror way, with the player having to push forward and sneak around without a Spartan’s protective shielding. And an impeccable soundtrack the feeling of unease throughout.

This is The Joy of Gaming with Nate Najda, reflecting on and celebrating Halo 3: ODST.

About the author

Nate Najda
Nate is the Communications Manager at Wushu Studios. When he’s not, he’s also a contributor on The Escapist and an avid connoisseur of all things Mass Effect. You can also find him on his personal site, Shinobi Speaks.
    Nate Najda
    Nate is the Communications Manager at Wushu Studios. When he’s not, he’s also a contributor on The Escapist and an avid connoisseur of all things Mass Effect. You can also find him on his personal site, Shinobi Speaks.

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