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8 Great Movies by the Creator of 28 Days Later

Today is the filmmaker Danny Boyle’s 58th birthday. He has made some very good films in the past, so let’s celebrate the career of this fantastic artist who brought us one of the best modern zombie movies there is…


If you didn’t know who Danny Boyle was, then 28 Days Later made you aware of his existence. This horror flick breathed new life into the zombie genre, it took what could have been a typical outbreak film and filmed it in such a way to make it even more visceral. Watch the film again and appreciate not just the gore, but the cinematography, and how it brought a genre back from the dead.

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Mr. Boyle’s second feature film, Trainspotting, caught everyone’s attention. This little tale of Scottish heroin addicts will have you reconsidering that smack addiction you’ve been pondering. It’s a dark comedy that will have you laughing one moment, and wanting to vomit the next.


Danny Boyle’s third feature, A Life Less Ordinary, wasn’t exactly his best, but it was still a very enjoyable film to watch. This flick had Ewan McGregor’s character Robert Lewis kidnap his boss’ daughter played by Cameron Diaz. What follows are some serious hijinks and an actually palatable love story.


Have you ever wanted to escape the modern world? Well Danny Boyle’s The Beach examines that idea and sees where it goes. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the stereotypical American tourist, wanting to be part of the culture and yet not wanting to experience the consequences of his actions. This will definitely have you rethinking your trip to that out-of-the-way beach in that Asian country you don’t really know enough about.


Danny Boyle’s first feature film was 1994’s Shallow Grave. It was a beautifully made thriller that shows just how money, and murder, can affect a friendship. The film stars Ewan McGregor and Christopher Eccleston as two of three flat mates whose lives get thrown upside down when they get a new roommate.


Danny Boyle’s next endeavor, 2007’s Sunshine, took us to space. This film followed scientists as they are attempting to reignite the sun, sounds like an easy job. Just head out to the sun and pop in a new light bulb. But no, it’s not that simple. This rag-tag group must go all the way to the sun and then drop a bomb the size of Manhattan into the star. Hopefully they don’t come across any complications in the process.


2008 brought us Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire, a film about an Indian young man who has the chance of a lifetime on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. As the game show goes on you discover how this young street urchin has come upon the knowledge to stay in the competition. It will have you crying happy tears by the end of the film, it’s just a perfect ending.


127 Hours is a film based on the real life events that happened to Aron Ralston. A young man that went into the wild on his own and learned the hard way that you really should leave a note. Once again Danny Boyle examines what happens to people when they shun civilization, first with The Beach and now this. So if you can take anything away from Danny Boyle’s films it’s to not leave the comforts of society.

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