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8 Great Steam Greenlight Games

Not everything that comes out of Steam Greenlight is amazing, sometimes it’s a downright disappointment, but sometimes you’ll also stumble upon a gem. Today we celebrate that diamond in the rough with eight great Steam Greenlight games that will bring back your faith in the service.


Broforce is the video game version of every 80s and 90s action movie. If there’s anything that could be considered a video game adaptation of The Expendables this would be it, if you’re a fan of action, or of games, then this was made for you.

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We didn’t choose this game because of its name, it just so happens that the name of the game is The Escapist. This 2D platformer will have you making your way through some of the toughest maps this side of Mappingham, North Dakota.


Who could forget the fun times that were had when playing the classic game Oregon Trail, but thanks to Steam Greenlight we have the zombie apocalypse classic Organ Trail: Director’s Cut. This takes the hunting and running into the 21st century where you have to avoid zombies and the other pitfalls along the way. This game was so successful that it has since left Greenlight and is now available directly from Steam.


Riot will have you experiencing the economic collapse of society as both a rioter and a member of the police force. This game will have you walk a mile in each of their shoes to experience the trials and tribulations of both camps, you can’t win in every game you play.


If you’ve ever wanted to relive the days where you would play Lemmings for hours on end, then Cute Things Dying Violently is right up your alley. This game will have you attempting to navigate a dangerous landscape trying to bring cute things to safety. It’s not as easy as you would hope.


Project Zomboid is another Greenlight game done good, it’s since left the Greenlight and is not available on Steam proper. This game plops you in the middle of a zombie outbreak, where the question isn’t how will you survive, it’s how will you die.


Death Inc. from Ambient Studios is like Plague Inc. but this time you’re the reaper and you get to spread the bubonic plague throughout 17th century England. It’ll have you doing your best to bring an entire society to its knees.


Papers, Please is a Greenlight game that exceeded everyone’s expectations. The border crossing sim is now available on Steam, and it went on to be the Reader’s Choice Game of the Year for The Escapist, pretty damned good for a game where you’re stamping passports.

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