Gallery of the Day

8 Most Pulse-Pounding Revenge Movies

Today we give you a brief glimpse at some of the best movies focused on revenge. These will have you hopping mad and wanting some sort of justice.


In A Nightmare on Elm Street the “person” getting revenge is quite the sharp guy.

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The Prestige is about everyone getting revenge on everyone else.


The main character of Desperado is seeking vengeance against the man that killed someone he loved.


In Straw Dogs Dustin Hoffman plays a Math teacher with a very good reason to get revenge.


Hard Candy features a young girl getting revenge against the internet.


Oldboy features a man getting revenge for being forced into a twenty year long definition of the Kafkaesque.


In Irreversible we see a man getting revenge for the woman he loves.


In Kill Bill Uma Thurman is getting revenge on the man that ruined her life.

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