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8 Movies From The Absurd Mind Of Terry Gilliam

Today we give you a list of some of Terry Gilliam’s best movies. Sit back and enjoy a journey through a career based on unadulterated absurdity.


Mr. Gilliam started by directing himself and his friends in a little independent film called Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Although this was an homage to Citizen Kane it retains much of its own story.

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In 1981 Terry Gilliam came out with the now classic Time Bandits. Despite having a cast of little people they used a full sized person, Ian Holm, as Napoleon.


Brazil has its own fair share of crazy, as this picture shows, but the icing on the cake is the fact that Robert DeNiro plays a rogue air conditioning repairman.


Nothing says absurd like the film The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. A baron that has adventures? Sounds crazy already.


The Fisher King has Jeff Bridges playing a shock jock and Robin Williams as he’s coming down off of the cocaine, so there’s actually no acting involved.


Few movies about time travel get it right. Twelve Monkeys is one of the films that did it correctly. At least in showing how bad of a person Bruce Willis truly is.


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas features Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson. Not quite the romantic comedy you may have suspected.


Tideland features two of everyone’s favorite things, heroin and children. They go together like heroin and children.

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