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8 Music Videos That Will Have You Scratching Your Head

There have been more crazy music videos than you can shake a stick at. Today we give you eight of some of the oddest of the odd. Prepare to have your mind blown away with wacky. Oh, and, some of these are either nightmare fuel or Not Safe For Work. You’ve been warned!

To most of us an accident is a tragedy, but to these enterprising teens it’s a chance for a fun time. Who in their right mind travels with stilts, a Slip’N Slide, and balloons filled with blood? These psychopaths do, and they do it well.

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Kristen Bell, of Veronica Mars fame, stars in this surreal tale of love. Who hasn’t loved a strange creature that looks like a real life version of Meatwad?

Many love the bass droppings of Skrillex. This is one of his most popular videos, and one of the oddest. Just watch and prepare to be a little creeped out and a little awe-struck with the weirdness.

Aphex Twin, or Richard James, made a song that was oddly odd in its own right. He then added an even crazier video to get the point across that this was indeed a very very odd person.

Radiohead has made some very interesting, to say the least, music videos. This song and video will keep your attention and keep you wondering what exactly is going on.

This video is more of a shocker than the rest. Having the Insane Clown Posse say that magnets are miracles, or their dismissal of science as a whole is just crazy. The song itself may be odd but the video just pushes it over the top into craziness.

Watch in awe as a milk carton goes after its owner in this wacky video. Blur’s Coffee and TV puts a milk carton on a quest to search for its missing mate. Its journey is very much akin to Frodo’s journey into the heart of darkness.

Donnie Darko goes rogue in this video by The Shoes, for their song Time to Dance. He goes on a hipster killing streak, all without Frank to guide him along. Nice to see Donnie working without the help of a giant imaginary rabbit.

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