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8 Nicolas Cage Movies You Can Watch on Netflix

Today the Academy Award winning actor Nicolas Cage turns 50. To celebrate the joyous occasion we are giving you eight great Nicolas Cage movies you can watch streaming on Netflix. So buckle up and get ready for one hell of a Cagey ride.


Moonstruck is a 1987 comedy that stars Nicolas Cage as the handless Ronny. He lost his hand because his brother distracted him and he ended up feeding it into a meat slicer. Even with the lack of two functioning hands he goes after Cher, but the only problem is that Cher, the love interest, is engaged to his brother. So many wacky hijinks ensue that you won’t be able to stop laughing.

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The 90s were the decade of romantic Nicolas Cage movies, one of which was the heartwarming It Could Happen To You. In this love story Nicolas Cage plays a New York City police officer that can’t tip, but luckily he plays the lottery, so he offers her half of the winnings if he wins. Don’t want to spoil anything but the movie isn’t about a cop that skips out on a tip only to not win the lottery and disappoints an overworked waitress.


In 1997 Nicolas Cage costarred with John Travolta in the John Woo action film Face/Off. If you love Nicolas Cage, doves randomly flying through gun fights, and face removal then this is the movie for you. Nicolas Cage and John Travolta exchange faces for fun and then they get into some serious shenanigans, think The Hangover meets Darkman.


The 2011 Nicolas Cage film Seeking Justice stars Nicolas Cage as the lowly High School English teacher Will Gerard. His life seems normal until his wife is brutally attacked and beaten, thankfully Guy Pierce is around and he promises justice, because Nicolas Cage’s character was seeking this justice that Guy Pierce is offering. The film really should have stuck with the original title The Hungry Rabbit Jumps as it isn’t as literal and makes it sound like a children’s film.


Trespass gives us Nicolas Cage as Kyle Miller a smooth talking diamond dealer. Once again his life seems perfect, until some serious thugs discover just how much money and diamonds he has hidden in his house. This leads to some interesting action as Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman, playing his wife Sarah, try to diffuse a very dangerous situation that you have to see to believe.


2011’s Stolen has Nicolas Cage playing Will Montgomery, a thief that was screwed over by his friends after a heist, leaving him alone and holding the money. So screwed over in fact that he gets arrested, but sans the money. Fast forward to eight years later when Will gets released from prison, now his former friends want that missing money. What follows is mostly akin to a Benny Hill sketch, so much Yakety Sax.


The 2013 film The Frozen Ground has Nicolas Cage playing a police officer once again. This time around he’s a detective searching for a serial killer. But this isn’t your father’s serial killer movie, because this time around he’s hunting normally affable John Cusack. What a twist.


Rage has Nicolas Cage playing an Irish mobster that ripped off the Russian mob. Nicolas Cage and his motley crew get away with their crime, and good ‘ol Nic reforms himself and leaves his life of crime. Flash forward to five years later and things are starting to heat up. Imagine Raising Arizona but without all of that pesky great acting and direction.

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