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8 of the Best Shooters From The Past 10 Years

With the release of the much anticipated Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare we’re going to look back at some of the best FPS games to be produced in the past ten years. Luckily over the years the genre has become quite the powerhouse, with Activision’s Call of Duty leading the pack. So buckle up and prepare for some incoming fire.


BioShock takes you to the magical city of Rapture, an underwater city that has more than its fair share of secrets. Rapture is the brainchild of Randian magnate Andrew Ryan, you’re Jack and you just want out of this watery mausoleum.You’re surrounded by splicers, these were once normal people but now they’re dangerous blood-thirsty monsters.

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Any game from the Halo series works on this list, but Halo 4 puts the icing on the cake. This is the culmination of everything Halo. Master Chief is at it again, this time using his talents to save Cortana.


The original Borderlands was a great game, and with Borderlands 2 they took what they learned from the original and made an amazing experience. This time around you’re battling the despotic “Handsome” Jack, he just wants it all, nothing more than the rest of us.


In Dead Island shooting isn’t the only thing you’ll be doing in first-person. This game will have you heaving clubs and swords around to kill the zombies, but don’t worry it’s still in first-person so it’s even more terrifying as the baddies are charging at you, and all you can really do to give yourself some time is to run.


Call of Duty: World at War my not be the crown jewel of the franchise, but it introduced some of the most ingenious content in gaming. This, otherwise forgettable installment, gave the world the Nazi Zombie mode. This will have you face to face against some of the most inconsiderate deadites in gaming, they don’t even give you any personal space, just all up in your business.


In 2011 Epic Games and People Can Fly brought us the ultra-violent Bulletstorm. This shooter takes us to the 26th century, where the more outlandish the kill the more points you get. This game teaches us that in the future, violence and murder are much more common. So it turns out that Jack Thompson was right, maybe he deserves an apology.


Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is Ubisoft’s attempt to capture all of that 80’s nostalgia. This game has all of the hot pink and lasers to take you back to a gaudy 80’s music video. If you’ve ever wanted to re-live all of the excess of the 80’s then this is the experience for you. On the other hand if you’re looking for a fun shooter then this will also fit the bill. It’s just like a really fancy looking version of an earlier Serious Sam game.


EA’s Battlefield 4 didn’t leave their fans happy, which is probably because Battlefield 3 was such a good game. If they had followed up a horrid game with Battlefield 4 then they wouldn’t have gotten half of the guff that they got for the game. Unfortunately for EA they just made a really good and fun shooter in Battlefield 3, and in an age of franchises you really need to keep upping your game.

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