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8 Reasons Videogames Could Make Great Movies

Some videogames would make horrible movies, and those are the games that they tend to make into movies, so you know this already. On the other hand some games would be perfect for movies. Here are games that would make the transition to movies with ease. Buckle up and enjoy the potential cinematic journey.


BioShock has almost been made into a movie several times already, although thanks to Ken Levine’s dedication they won’t be making a shoddy product. Or any product at all. I’d imagine that James Cameron could do the series justice, especially with, say, Mark Wahlberg in the lead role.

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The Legend of Zelda would make the perfect film. A young Link sent to save the princess Zelda, but along the way he encounters much pottery that needs smashing. They could finally address how Link feels about being called Zelda so often. Mark Wahlberg could do wonders channeling his inner Link.


Vampires and monsters are all the rage with the kids these days. To take all of the monsters and put them in a game with some Anne Rice style Victorian vampires sounds like a no brainer. Mark Wahlberg would be great in the lead role, but he’d be good in everything.


Any of The Elder Scrolls would probably make a great movie but for now let’s focus on Skyrim. Mark Wahlberg shouting dragons out of the sky sounds like an amazing movie to me, where could they go wrong?


I think we’re all a little surprised that they haven’t already made a Grand Theft Auto movie. But I think that we could all agree that Mark Wahlberg would made the perfect protagonist in this flick. Him running through the city beating baddies and/or pedestrians with a baseball bat would make for great cinema.


The Portal series would make for some great movie times. A character trapped in a test facility as they do seemingly inane puzzles for the entertainment of the computer overlord. I don’t know where they would fit Mark Wahlberg in here but I’m sure that he could play the companion cube or something else that’s just as important.


Gordon Freeman would be perfect for the movies. The Half-Life series has some of the most acclaimed games in the history of gaming. I’d like to see this just to see Mark Wahlberg in glasses. So goofy!


Contra was a pioneering game and in that same vein it would make a fantastic film. Mark Wahlberg trudging through the forest killing enemies would be the perfect war film.

Edit: Apparently they made a movie about Contra in the 80s. They called it The Iran-Contra Affair. If only they had made it when Mark Wahlberg could have starred in it.

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