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8 Reasons Why Rio May Have Been a Bad Choice For the Olympics

The Olympics are a time of year that we see the best athletes from around the world compete for the title of World Champion in their particular event. We have two Olympic events that cycle every two years, the Winter and Summer Olympics. Right now, starting tomorrow, the 2016 Summer Olympics is going to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

But, as we’ve seen in recent news, Rio may have been a bad choice. Rio is and has had a longtime issue of poverty, crime and pollution of all kinds. Organized gangs still run the streets alongside either corrupt and/or oppressive police. Given these problems, it’s not exactly demonstrating it can be the safest venue to hold the international event.

Here are eight reasons, so far, that Rio may have been a bad choice to host the Olympics this year.

If you know of any others, feel free to let us know in the comment section!

shi dongpeng

Chinese athlete robbed of luggage at Rio 2016 after being victim of hoax drunk

Chinese Olympian Shi Donpeng was having a bit of gastrointestinal issues once he arrived in Rio de Janeiro to compete in the 110-meter hurdles event only to encounter one of the more organized ways of stealing from someone:

According to the International Sport Press Association (AIPS), the man then vomited over Shi, who went to clean himself up while the cameraman chased the man out of the hotel.

When they returned, all of the cameraman’s equipment had been stolen, as well as baggage belonging to both men.

Surveillance footage showed that they had been the victims of a cleverly organised professional job in which they had been distracted by the apparent drunk.

The games haven’t even begun yet and it’s not off to a very good start.

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australian team fire evacuation

Australian athletes ‘robbed’ during fire evacuation

One of the more outspoken groups in recent news has been the Australian team and their complaints about the Olympic Village and how poorly it’s been constructed. From raw sewage pouring into the fresh water supply in the pipework to gas leaks and generally incomplete construction, it hasn’t been a comfortable area for the athletes to unwind and prepare for the upcoming games.

If only that was all.

Australian Chef de Mission Kitty Chiller, who has had to deal with her team’s discontent, said a laptop and Zika-protective team shirts had been stolen by people who entered the building during the evacuation.

Approximately 100 athletes were evacuated Friday after a small fire broke out in the basement car park of the Olympic Village apartments housing the Australian team.


Officials forced to cut their way into Olympic stadium after losing keys to gate

While it’s not ‘horrible’, it is a sign of mis-management when the officials seem to have lost the key to open the gates to the venue and required firemen to use bolt cutters to gain access to the stadium.

My question, especially surrounding the super-high level of crime happening is: “Where are the missing keys?”


‘Don’t put your head under water,’ expert tells Rio athletes

That’s going to be a bit of an issue, isn’t it? When your water is so contaminated with human waste and other pollution that putting your head underwater can lead to viral infections and other illnesses, I guess it’s going to be rather dangerous if you fall out of a boat during any of the water competitions.

The most contaminated points are the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, where Olympic rowing will take place, and the Gloria Marina, the starting point for the sailing races.

Sampling at the Lagoon in March 2015 revealed an astounding 1.73 billion adenoviruses per litre. By this June, adenovirus readings were lower but still hair-raising at 248 million adenoviruses per litre. By comparison, in California, viral readings in the thousands per litre set off alarm bells.

So it’s either swim in this utterly polluted water or essentially nothing but chlorine? I feel for the athletes who will be in this water during their events. Let’s not forget the odor that will no doubt emanate from the water as well.

rio air

2016 Olympics: Rio’s Air is Toxic Too

If the water wasn’t enough to make you shake your head at the conditions in Rio, then be sure to cover your mouth, too. The air isn’t much better.

Reuters conducted its tests at several sites, like the Olympic Village, where athletes will live during the games, and Copacabana, where beach volleyball events will be held. They found a peak of 65 micrograms of PM 2.5 per cubic meter at the Olympic stadium, making it the dirtiest site they tested. The WHO’s recommended limit for PM 2.5 is 25 micrograms per cubic meter, averaged over a 24-hour period.

So, the water sports aren’t the only ones that will have to endure the pollution, but any athlete that needs to, well, breath is at risk.

rio golf course

Rio’s Olympic Golf Course Overrun with Capybaras and Crocodiles Days Ahead of Summer Games

Golf hasn’t been an Olympic event since 1904. But, instead of excitement (as excited as one can get watching Golf) that it makes a return after 112 years, news about the golf course itself is taking all of the headlines.

It seems the local wildlife is staging a protest over the course being used in their habitat. Capybaras, Sloths, Alligators and Owls that like to burrow holes in the ground all occupy the same land that’s being used for the course. Under different circumstances it would add a little excitement to a water hazard and an animal that would eat away at the fairway and green, but not during an international event such as this one.


New Zealand athlete ‘kidnapped by police’ at gunpoint in Rio

Amidst everything else that’s happening in Rio, one would expect law enforcement to be there to ensure that nothing bad happens to those visiting for the Olympics. It seems the Police are getting involved in the extortion game as well.

Jason Lee, was reportedly stopped by the Policia Militar, the equivalent of the SWAT Team officers here, stopped Lee on a “routine stop” then forced him to accompany them to two ATMs where he withdrew around $800.

If you can’t trust those who are there to protect you, who can you trust?

portuguese man o-war jellyfish

Swarm of killer jellyfish spotted just metres away from Olympic swimming venue

Another reason to avoid the water. It seems deadly Jellyfish have decided to vacation along the shoreline of the city.

The jellyfishes’ tentacle can stretch up to 150ft in length and their sting is so painful to humans it can even kill.

Olympic swimmers could now face a daunting gauntlet of tentacles when they swim in the 10km event.

All I can say is “Good Luck!” to those athletes that must endure these obstacles as well as trying to get the Gold.

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