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8 Sequels Coming To You In 2014

Today we give you eight sequels that will be coming to theaters this year. So don’t expect anything too original, and hopefully they don’t suck.


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the sequel to Rise of the Planet of the Apes, is coming to theaters on July 11th. This sequel is about a group of genetically evolved apes that is being threatened by a bunch of humans. This looks like it should lead into another remake of Planet of the Apes.

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Cabin Fever: Patient Zero, the sequel to the almost direct to DVD film Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever, is coming your way on August 1st. Hopefully for the sake of the filmmakers this doesn’t just get dumped onto DVD without a chance at the theaters.


2005’s Sin City met with critical and public acclaim, to the point that the sequel is coming getting a release on August 22nd. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, which brings back most of the cast, but this time sans Clive Owen. If the first film is any indicator the sequel will be beyond amazing.


The original Dumb and Dumber came out to rave reviews in 1994, and now twenty years later we get the sequel Dumb and Dumber To on November 11th. The first film could be considered high art, with it’s beautiful use of absurdity and beautifully dumb comedy. The original had a couple of “sequels”, but none had the original cast until now. The return of Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey signal, hopefully, a return to the formula that made the original great.


On November 21st the Hunger Games train chugs along with The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1. After the success of the initial two films it looks like this series of books will be hitting our screens for a few more years. Once again we’ll be following Katniss as she does what she can to take down the establishment.


In the original Horrible Bosses we got to see some amazing actors look and act like horrible people, we don’t know how much of that was really acting. And now we’re getting the sequel with Horrible Bosses 2, which hits the theaters on November 28th. Since the core original cast is returning you can expect a plethora of funnies.


The final installment in the Hobbit trilogy is coming to theaters on December 17th. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is going for long lines at the theaters, and the longest title of the summer. After this Peter Jackson is going to have to come up with something besides a movie about hobbitses, hopefully he’ll return to the kind of films like Dead Alive and The Frighteners.


This Christmas Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is coming to theaters, the aptly titled sequel to the 2010 blockbuster Hot Tub Time Machine. This time around we aren’t getting the entire original cast, John Cusack is abstaining, but we’ve still got a great group of comedic actors. If you like comedies, this one should be good for some laughs.

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Watch_Dogs: Too Much Sandbox, Too Little Game

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