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8 Spaceships From Amazing Movies

To celebrate the 20th expansion for EVE Online, Rubicon, we give you a short list of some of the best spaceships that have appeared in movies. Just make sure that if you leave the ship you aren’t going to get cut loose by a rogue sentient computer.


Discovery One from 2001: A Space Odyssey is one of the most popular spaceships in the history of movies. Pretty good for a ship that has a faulty AE35 communications unit.

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The Rodger Young from Starship Troopers is the main ship in the modern classic. How else are the troopers going to get to where they need to go but in a Starship.


In The Last Starfighter a kid is brought up into space because he can play an arcade game really well. I’m still waiting to be drafted into the PGA because of my high scores in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005.


Spaceball One from Spaceballs is an example of an engineering feat, only because it can transform into a maid to suck the air out of a planet’s atmosphere. That and the fact that it’s a rare sight to see so many assholes.


In Mars Attacks the earth is invaded by Martian flying saucers. This wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that they are able to kill Jack Nicholson multiple times.


The prawn mothership in District 9 may not be fully functional but give a guy some alien bug parts and it could go anywhere.


As opposed to HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey, Max, the ship from Flight of the Navigator isn’t going to try and kill his crew. This may just be because his crew happens to be a child, when did sentient robots get soft?


The Nostromo from Alien, the best film in the Alien series, has a full crew as well as a xenomorph. This wouldn’t be so bad if the xenomorph wasn’t all anti-social and intent on killing everyone on the ship.

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