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8 Ways to Celebrate the Career of Bob Hoskins

Bob Hoskins has passed at 71, he leaves behind a legacy of amazing characters. To celebrate the life of the legendary actor we give you eight films of his. So help commemorate the life of Bob Hoskins and look back at some amazing stories that he shared with us.


1985’s bizarre comedy Brazil featured the acting talents of some of the best actors around at the time, one of which was Bob Hoskins. In Brazil Hoskins was Sppor, a bureaucrat that just wanted to repair the air conditioning.

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Bob Hoskins played Eddie Valiant in 1988’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The film was an amazing mix of live-action and animated characters, chief of which was Bob Hoskins. He carried the film as the straight man to Roger Rabbit’s zaniness.


Steven Spielberg’s Hook starred Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman, it also featured Bob Hoskins as Captain Hook’s minion Smee. He helped make the movie what it was by elevating Smee from a small character to an important part of the story and atmosphere.


In Super Mario Bros. Bob Hoskins teamed up with John Leguizamo to portray the plumbing brothers. The film may not have been the best thing ever, but as film adaptations go there are worse. His performance made this film more than just a throwaway flick.


Enemy at the Gates is about the battle for Stalingrad. Bob Hoskins plays the future Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in this bloody story. His character motivates the soldiers to go out and defend the city. If Bob Hoskins was motivating us, I think we could do anything.


In Unleashed Bob Hoskins plays Bart, a pretty evil character that controls Jet Li. One of the many examples of how Bob Hoskins can steal the show, even sharing the screen with Jet Li he shines and shows just how formidable he can be.


In Doomsday Bob Hoskins plays the Domestic Security Chief Nelson, a man that just wants to keep his country free of a deadly virus. His character is responsible for sending a team to find a cure.


Bob Hoskins’ last film Snow White and the Huntsman came out in 2012. In this movie he plays Muir, one of Snow White’s dwarves. His character is in possession of information that carries the plot, and Hoskins really shines when acting off of the other Dwarves.

Farewell, Bob.

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