
Girls on Games Tells Women’s Tabletop Industry Stories

Kickstarter campaign for a book about women in tabletop boasts essays by designers from Paizo Publishing, Looney Labs, Lone Shark Games, Wizards of the Coast and more.

The Kickstarter campaign for a compilation of essays about women working in the tabletop industry has hit its $2,500 goal in less than 24 hours. Girls on Games collects essays from ten industry professionals, with topics ranging from how to break into the industry and games made “for girls”, to advice for dealing with sexism and improving representation in the field. The money raised by the Kickstarter will pay the contributors and cover graphic design, layout, printing and fulfillment costs for the book. The funding campaign began August 27 and ends September 26.

Girls on Games is a new book written by a compilation of female game industry professionals, with the aim to engage, entertain, and educate both seasoned gamers and game-makers as well as novice game inventors and those seeking positions within this amazing industry of ours!” writes project creator Elisa Teague, tabletop consultant and former Senior Director of Production and Design at Playroom Entertainment. “Girls on Games is for everyone. Seriously,” adds Teague. “While our writers are female and our main target audience is female, all of the advice and tips for breaking into the industry, as well as the funny (and serious) stories are for everyone – not just women.” The ten announced contributors work in all areas of the tabletop industry, including design, promotion, and production.

Contributor Peggy Brown has done design and development work for many major publishers, including Hasbro, Mattel, Warner Brothers, and Disney. Brown has contributed to the development of hundreds of games, and began her career as a staff designer working on the classic games Girl Talk, Outburst, and Pretty Pretty Princess. Kristin Looney is the co-founder and CEO of Looney Labs, best known for the chaotic card game Fluxx. Tanis O’Connor is a designer and organized play coordinator for Paizo Publishing‘s Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, and has previously worked for both Wizards of the Coast and Lone Shark Games. Gaby Weidling, currently at Lone Shark Games, has developed puzzles for Microsoft, Wired, and convention events including PAX and Gen Con.

On the business and promotion side of the industry, Rebekah Zetty, Director of Operations at Playroom Entertainment, works with factories to get games made. Model and artist Toni Darling has promoted several tabletop companies, including Calliope Games, Japanime Games, and Arcane Wonders. Illustrator and entertainer Satine Phoenix, who appeared in The Escapist’s I Hit It With My Axe web series, is the creator of Celebrity Charity Dungeons and Dragons. Also announced as contributors are Jessica Blair, Trin Garritano, and Teeuwynn Woodruff.

If the project raises $3000, a foreword by game designer Mike Selinker will be unlocked. Nicole Lindroos of Green Ronin Publishing will contribute a chapter if the project raises $4000. Later stretch goals add additional, secret contributors.

Source: Girls on Games on Kickstarter

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