
Break Your Xbox One And Xbox 360 With This New App

Break Media Xbox App

Break Media has released an app for the Xbox One and Xbox 360 that will put all of their shows just a click away.

Come on, now. You know you like pranks just like the rest of us. And some of the best pranking, along with other great content, comes from our Defy sister site And now they have a new app where you can catch up on all their hijinx on the Xbox One and Xbox 360.

The new app will include the Screenjunkies show Prank It Forward, as well as Man at Arms and Honest Trailers. And to use their words, they have “literally 1,001 videos of cats, Russian dashcams, parkour fails and people who really, really should have been wearing helmets.”

The app is free and can be downloaded from the Xbox Store.

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