
Nominate Your Favorite Game For Reader’s Choice GotY 2014

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We picked 14 contenders for this year’s Game of the Year. Now, we need you to pick the last two!

The Escapist has meticulously selected 14 games to compete for the title of Reader’s Choice Game of the Year 2014, but now you’ll have the chance to help vote in the final two games that you think are contenders for the title. Last year, the community pick Papers, Please narrowly lost to narrative juggernaut The Last of Us.

How can you help? Just head over to the forum poll to vote for your top pick from the list. You have until 11:59 PM Eastern time on November 10th to vote. Make sure you take to the comments to discuss why your pick is best pick. Who knows, maybe you’ll sway an undecided voter or two!

On November 11th, we’ll select the top two community-voted games from the poll and add them to the running for Reader’s Choice Game of the Year. If you remember our bracket from last year, it’s coming back! You’ll be able to start filling out your bracket on November 18th and the first of four rounds of voting will begin in early December. Stay tuned for more details later this month.

So go ahead, vote and argue your favorite game’s cause in the comments! It could very well be 2014’s Reader’s Choice Game of the Year…

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