
Roll a Piece of Pre-History with a $250 Mammoth Tusk D20

mammoth ivory d20 in box

Artisan Dice has unveiled a limited supply line of mammoth ivory D20s.

While dice obviously exist in other forms of entertainment, they hold a special prominence in the world of tabletop role-playing games where the roll of a dice can literally mean the difference between life and death. That in mind, it should be no surprise that many tabletop gamers like their dice to be special. Recognizing this, the folks at Artisan Dice have made it their business to provide gamers with the best polyhedrals crafted from nothing but the highest quality and rarest materials. Most recently, the company unveiled what could possibly be the most unique D20 ever made. What’s so great about them you ask? Maybe just the fact that they’re made from 10,000 year old wooly mammoth tusk.

Responding to rampant customer demand, Artisan Dice unveiled its mammoth ivory D20s in a page on its website. “[Our customers] have been asking for us to make them since quite literally the very first day Artisan Dice was founded,” explained owner Charlie Brumfeld. “It took us this long to locate a supplier of quality mammoth tusks.” Complicating things further, once they did locate a supplier the company’s dice crafters had to learn how to work with the tusks. “Mammoth ivory is easily machined, but our hand shaping process is more difficult as we have to use a number of grits to get the glassy finish we can attain with ivory.” The process was also plagued by some unexpected difficulties. “The stench of mammoth ivory being worked is on an epic scale,” said Brumfeld. “Thousands of years in boggy marshes does nothing to help in that regard.”

This kind of work, of course, doesn’t come cheap. Gamers hoping to get their hands on even just one mammoth tusk D20 will have to pay a whopping $248. According to Brumfeld however, the price is worth it. “We make this finest dice on the planet using the most exotic materials available,” he said. After this, it’s a statement that’s kind of hard to argue with.

Source: Artisan Dice

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