
Fallout 4 Is Fully Complete, Awaiting Deployment

No surprise delays – Fallout 4 is now 100% complete, and ready to be rolled out.

For all of you Fallout 4 fans eagerly counting down the days to its November 10 release, terrified that it may be hit with a Witcher 3-style last-minute-delay, fear not! The official Bethesda Studios Twitter has just posted the status update you’ll see to the right, confirming that the game is 100% complete, printed, and ready to be shipped into your hands.

“Oct 23rd – the bombs have fallen. Fallout 4 is complete. All 27 versions,” wrote Bethesda. To prove it, the picture shows all of the 27 versions, which no-doubt refers to the PS4, PC and Xbox One editions of the various regions the game will launch in, alongside their respective collector’s editions.

So the game is ready, and sitting in a warehouse somewhere waiting for its release date. Get hype!

Source: Bethesda

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