
A Live-Action Detective Pikachu Movie is Coming

detective pikachu

There’s still another chance to cast Danny DeVito as detective Pikachu!

It’s no secret that the phenomenal success of Pokemon GO has pushed the franchise once more into the mainstream limelight. Legendary Pictures has been watching closely, and in an effort to cash in on this newfound popularity has purchased the rights to a live-action Pokemon movie. We now know, thanks to The Hollywood Reporter, that the movie will actually be based on the recently released Detective Pikachu spin-off. That’s right, we still have another chance to get Danny DeVito to do his voice!

Plot and character details have yet to be revealed, but Legendary hopes to start production in 2017. Universal Pictures will distribute the film internationally except in Japan, where it will be distributed by Toho Pictures. Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that Netflix was also interested in the rights.

Meanwhile the Detective Pikachu game, Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Team, came out in Japan this February for 3DS, but hasn’t been confirmed for a western release as of yet.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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