
Journey to Un’Goro Pack Distribution is Working as Intended, Says Blizzard

ungoro opens

Blizzard has addressed complaints that Journey to Un’Goro packs are distributing an abnormally high number of duplicate cards.

Did you feel like you got too many duplicate cards in your Journey to Un’Goro packs? Well, it turns out that you were just unlucky, as Blizzard has dsimissed concerns that packs are distributing an abnormally high number of duplicate cards.

“We have seen a number of posts from our community today regarding Journey to Un’Goro packs and the possibility that they might be distributing an abnormally high amount of duplicate cards,” wrote community manager Daxxarri in a forum post.

“We want to assure everyone that we have looked into this concern and have found that Journey to Un’Goro card distribution is working properly, both at a per card and per rarity basis, and is consistent with previous Hearthstone releases.”

As always, this looks to be a case of the “vocal minority” skewing the statistics, and confirmation bias, as only people who got a lot of duplicate cards would take to the forums to complain about it.

So sorry, to those of you who got multiple copies of Ozruk, Blizzard isn’t out to get you, you’re just not having a very lucky day!

Source: Blizzard

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