
Escapist Magazine Update – New Website Design

state of escapist magazine - nick calandra and sam nelson

Hey everyone,

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We just finished some scheduled updates and now have a new look for Escapist Magazine. This new look should be much easier to navigate, more readable, loads faster, and much more responsive on mobile devices.

Please have a look around and let us know what you think. We still have some minor issues to hammer out, but everything should mostly be in working order.

Some known issues are that comment counts are not correctly updating on article previews and the counter on article pages, some thumbnails are incorrectly sized on the homepage and category pages, and some ads haven’t appeared yet on the home page to help split up content sections.

We are planning on providing the forums with a facelift soon as well, but we have no details to provide on that at this time.

If you find other issues or have suggestions, please let us know.

Hope you enjoy the new look.

About the author

Nick Calandra
Nick Calandra has been covering video games for over 14 years, holds a bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Journalism and now leads the team at The Escapist. Previously Nick created and led teams at TitanReviews, Velocity Gamer, OnlySP and Gameumentary, before becoming Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist in 2019. He has done everything from covering the smallest of indie games to creating documentaries on some of the most well-known video game franchises in the industry such as Darksiders, Divinity: Original Sin, EVE and more. While his favorite games right now include Rainbow Six Siege and Elden Ring, Nick is constantly experimenting with new genres to expand his gaming tastes and knowledge of the industry.
Nick Calandra
Nick Calandra has been covering video games for over 14 years, holds a bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Journalism and now leads the team at The Escapist. Previously Nick created and led teams at TitanReviews, Velocity Gamer, OnlySP and Gameumentary, before becoming Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist in 2019. He has done everything from covering the smallest of indie games to creating documentaries on some of the most well-known video game franchises in the industry such as Darksiders, Divinity: Original Sin, EVE and more. While his favorite games right now include Rainbow Six Siege and Elden Ring, Nick is constantly experimenting with new genres to expand his gaming tastes and knowledge of the industry.

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