Video Games

Best Caiera Decks in Marvel Snap

Caiera card in Marvel Snap. This image is part of an article about the best Caiera decks in Marvel Snap.

Zoo decks are back on the menu, Marvel Snap fans. Not only that, this week’s Spotlight Cache card, Caiera, promises to put Shang-Chi in his place. Here are the best Caiera decks in Marvel Snap.

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How Caiera Works in Marvel Snap
Best Caiera Decks in Marvel Snap
Best Caiera Counters in Marvel Snap
Who Is Caiera?
Is Caiera Worth Your Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?

How Caiera Works in Marvel Snap

As a 3-Cost, 4-Power card with an ability that reads “Ongoing: Your 1 and 6-Cost cards can’t be destroyed,” Caiera is very straightforward. When she’s in play, 1-Cost and 6-Cost cards cannot be destroyed by the likes of Killmonger and Shang-Chi. You can play such cards directly into locations such as Death’s Domain with Caiera on the board; however, Alioth will destroy face-down cards, regardless.

Best Caiera Decks in Marvel Snap

As Caiera helps both 1-Cost and 6-Cost cards, she’s best used in Marvel Snap decks that focus on either one of those archetypes. Zoo, for quite some time, has fallen out of the meta simply because a simple tech card like Killmonger completely dismantles it for only 3-Energy. With the addition of Caiera and Blob, the Thanos Zoo archetype just received a massive buff.

A Thanos Zoo deck featuring Caiera as part of the best decks in Marvel Snap using that card as well as counters for her. The image shows two rows of six columns of cards from the game.
Image created using Marvel Snap Zone. You can download this deck there.
  • Nico Minoru
  • Okoye
  • Goose
  • Jeff!
  • Caiera
  • Ka-Zar
  • Professor X
  • Klaw
  • Blue Marvel
  • Blob
  • Thanos
  • Magneto

With Caiera in hand, this deck is capable of going wide as well as tall. Ka-Zar and Blue Marvel will help power up Thanos’s Infinity Stones and Nico Minoru, while an early Okoye can buff them further. Stones placed before locking down a lane with Professor X may steal some games in this way, and a late-game Blob typically wins a lane and is completely indestructible with Caiera on the board. Look for some variation of this deck to make the best use of Caiera and dominate the meta in Marvel Snap.

Another version of this deck features Skaar, January’s Season Pass card, which is a 6-Cost, 11-Power card that is discounted by 2 Energy for every other 10-Power card in play. As Skaar requires several cards with 10+ power to facilitate its ability, Caeira makes the big green monster much less risky to play. Currently, it looks like Skaar will find a home in a Thor Lockjaw deck, which has always had a weakness to Shang-Chi. With a Caiera played at some point during the game, this is no longer the case. Here’s how to make the best Thor Lockjaw deck using Caiera in Marvel Snap:

A Thor Lockjaw deck featuring Caiera as part of the best decks in Marvel Snap using that card as well as counters for her. The image shows two rows of six columns of cards from the game.
Image created using Marvel Snap Zone. You can download this deck there.
  • Wasp
  • Nightcrawler
  • Jeff!
  • Caiera
  • Thor
  • Lockjaw
  • Jubilee
  • Jane Foster’s The Mighty Thor
  • Magneto
  • Giganto
  • Skaar
  • The Infinaut

The goal with this deck is very simple. Throw low-cost cards such as Wasp and Nightcrawler into a lane with Lockjaw in it, hoping to pull out massive cards such as Giganto and Magneto. If you suspect your opponent has a Shang-Chi, try to play Caiera on turn 4 alongside Nightcrawler. Finally, with several cards with 10 or more Power, drop Skaar for almost free alongside any other cards in your hand to likely win the game.

Best Caiera Counters in Marvel Snap

As Caiera is a tech card, she doesn’t have an obvious counter in Marvel Snap worth playing to shut her down. That said, she is susceptible to Rogue’s Ongoing stealing ability, and Enchantress can turn her off permanently, meaning Killmonger and Shang-Chi once again become a threat. However, if you or your opponent are spending two cards to Shang-Chi a Skaar or Magneto, the lanes without Caiera in it are likely lost at that point. Countering the decks she finds herself in seems like a better move: either play Killmonger or Shang-Chi early, or make sure you have priority before playing either if she isn’t on the board yet.

Caiera will likely cause Killmonger and Shang-Chi to fall out of favor for some time after her release as well, so you can play those high-powered cards with a little less fear.

Who Is Caiera?

Caiera is a member of the alien Shadow People race that dwells on various planets. After the Hulk was enslaved on Sakaar and broke free from his bondage, Caiera betrayed the Red King and helped the Hulk become the new king of Sakaar. They eventually married – Bruce Banner being suppressed this entire time – and she eventually fell pregnant with Hulk’s child that, coincidentally, is Skaar, the Season Pass card of the same month Caiera released.

Is Caiera Worth Your Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?

Yes, Caiera is definitely worth spending Spotlight Cache Keys and/or Collector’s Tokens to get in Marvel Snap. While rarely are any cards worth the 6000 Collector’s Tokens that Caiera costs, she’s very much one of the better cards in recent memory that you should spend your Collector’s Tokens on. She will more than likely become a counter stable in certain meta games and is a definite inclusion in decks that focus on multiple 1-Cost or 6-Cost cards. She’s so vital, in fact, that she’s ripe for a nerf, much the same way other tech cards Mobius M. Mobius and Shang-Chi. Until then, however, you should definitely pick up Caiera, as she makes for some of the best decks in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snap is available now on PC and mobile.

About the author

Lowell Bell
Lowell is a freelance contributor with The Escapist that began his career reporting on live events such as the Penny Arcade Expo and E3 back in 2012. Over the last couple of years, he carved a niche for himself covering competitive Pokémon as he transitioned into game criticism full time. About a decade ago, Lowell moved to Japan for a year or two but is still there, raising a Shiba Inu named Zelda with his wife while missing access to good burritos. He also has a love/hate relationship with Japanese role-playing games.
Lowell Bell
Lowell is a freelance contributor with The Escapist that began his career reporting on live events such as the Penny Arcade Expo and E3 back in 2012. Over the last couple of years, he carved a niche for himself covering competitive Pokémon as he transitioned into game criticism full time. About a decade ago, Lowell moved to Japan for a year or two but is still there, raising a Shiba Inu named Zelda with his wife while missing access to good burritos. He also has a love/hate relationship with Japanese role-playing games.

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