
Atomic Slotting Guide by Glow Girl

Atomic Slotting 1.0
by Glow Girl

+ Contents +

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Definitions
3.0 Formulae
3.1 Accuracy
3.2 Damage
4.0 Training Origin Enhancement Charts
5.0 Dual Origin Enhancement Charts
6.0 Single Origin Enhancement Charts
7.0 Final Analysis

+ 1.0 Introduction +

And the debate rages amongst the damage dealers and self-fancied hybrid defenders, not to mention the scrankers. How does a hero become Uber? Well, I’ve been a hero since last April and I still don’t know for sure. Every time I think I have acheived Uber, someone comes along and out-Ubers me, dropping me to wanna-be status and making me feel like a lowbie. Enough MMORPG slang for ya?

I’ll get to the point. While slotting your damage dealing attacks it usually becomes apparent in the later levels that some split of accuracy and damage enhancements are what you should use. Endurance enhancements are generally offset taking Stamina or having a secondary power that helps out.

It is with this in mind that the following numbers are given.

+ 2.0 Definitions +

BA (Base Accuracy) This is the base percentage chance your hero has to hit an enemy.

DD (Damage Done) This is the percentage of the base damage done once the formulae is applied and all factors are considered (ex. A DD of 200 would mean the damage is doubled).

DR (Damage Reduction) This is the base multiplier a hero must take into account when deciding to face a higher enemy. The higher the enemy, the harsher the DR.

EM (Enhancement Multiplier) This is the decimal multiplier assigned to the enhancement type (see “3.0 Formulae” for further information)

NS (Number of Slots) This is the number of slots you have assigned to the power.

TH (To Hit) This is the percentage chance you have to hit once the formulae is applied and all factors are taken into consideration (ex. A TH of 75 would mean the hero has a 3 in 4 chance to hit the target in any given attack).

+ 3.0 Formulae +
+ 3.1 Accuracy +

The easier calculation is accuracy, so I’ll start there. The forula for calculating accuracy is this:

TH = BA x (1 + (NS x EM))

Keep in mind, according to speculation on the official forums there is ALWAYS a 5% chance to miss your target.

Easy peasy! Your chance to hit is equal to your Base Accuracy (BA) multiplied by 1 plus the Number of Slots (NS) multiplied by the Enhancement Multiplier (EM).

The final piece of information you need is the rundown on enhancement multipliers. you only have to remember three numbers: 8 1/3, 16 2/3, and 33 1/3. These numbers correspond to Training Origin Enhancements (TO), Dual Origin Enhancements (DO) and Single Origin Enhancements (SO).

So: TO=8.33, DO=16.67, SO=33.33

Ranger Red has out put 2 Single Origin Accuracy enhancements into his Crane Kick. He attacks a Yellow Con enemy. The base chance to hit a Yellow Con is 68%. Plugging the numbers into the forumula you get:

TH = BA x (1 + (NS x EM))
TH = 68 x (1 + (2 x .3333)
TH = 68 x (1 + (.6666)
TH = 68 x 1.6666
TH = 113.3288
TH = 113 (rounded)

Wow! Ranger Red will hit his target every time! Right? No! Remember that there is ALWAYS a 5% chance to completely WHIFF!

+ 3.2 Damage +

By now you’re probably seeing where I’m coming from on this. So, on to damage. Damage is just a tiny bit more complicated because the CoH engine nerfs the damage you do to higher level mobs. Where accuracy is hit in its base chance to hit, damage is reduced once all calculations are complete.

The forumla for calculating damage is:

DD = DR x (1 + (NS x EM))

Now that you have those three Enhancement Multiplier numbers in your head, here are some more numbers to remember:



Damage Reduction Chart
Enemy Level +0 100%
Enemy Level +1 90%
Enemy Level +2 80%
Enemy Level +3 65% Enemy Level +4 48%
Enemy Level +5 30%

You want higher numbers? Why bother. If you attack a mob six levels above your own then two things may be the case. One, you are suicidal. In this case, why should I bother giving you more numbers? You don’t care. Two, you are actually able to defeat the enemy which leads me to believe you know more than I do and, again, don’t need more numbers. As for the break in pattern after +2 levels from 10% per level, I don’t know why it happens. These numbers reflect a lot of community posting and experience.

Armed with this knowledge, our friend Red Ranger is at it again. This time he has taken his Crane Kick and put three Single Origin Damage enhancements next to those accuracies. Unfortunately, he has decided to try and take down a Red Con Freakshow Tank which means he’s fighting an enemy at three levels greater than his own (+3).

DD = DR x (1 + (NS x EM))
DD = 65 x (1 + (3 x .3333))
DD = 65 x (1.9999)
DD = 129.9935
DD = 130 (rounded)

Red Ranger will do the base damage of his attack PLUS and extra 30%! Good for him!
+ 4.0 Training Origin Enhancement Charts +

These charts are broken down by combinations of accuracy and damage enhancements to save space.








White Con MOBs (+0 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 75 150
5/1 81 142
4/2 88 133
3/3 94 125
2/4 100 117
1/5 106 108
0/6 113 100
Yellow Con MOBs (+1 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 68 135
5/1 74 128
4/2 79 120
3/3 85 113
2/4 91 105
1/5 96 98
0/6 102 90
Orange Con MOBs (+2 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 61 120
5/1 66 113
4/2 71 107
3/3 76 100
2/4 81 93
1/5 86 87
0/6 92 80
Red Con MOBs (+3 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 55 98
5/1 60 92
4/2 64 87
3/3 69 81
2/4 73 76
1/5 78 70
0/6 83 65
Purple Con MOBs (+4 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 48 72
5/1 52 68
4/2 56 64
3/3 60 60
2/4 64 56
1/5 68 52
0/6 72 48
Purple Con MOBs (+5 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 41 45
5/1 44 43
4/2 48 40 3/3 51 38
2/4 55 35
1/5 58 33
0/6 62 30

+ 5.0 Dual Origin Enhancement Charts +








White Con MOBs (+0 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 75 200
5/1 88 183
4/2 100 167
3/3 113 150
2/4 125 133
1/5 138 117
0/6 150 100
Yellow Con MOBs (+1 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 68 180
5/1 79 165
4/2 91 150
3/3 102 135
2/4 113 120
1/5 125 105
0/6 136 90
Orange Con MOBs (+2 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 61 160
5/1 71 147
4/2 81 133
3/3 92 120
2/4 102 107
1/5 112 93
0/6 122 80
Red Con MOBs (+3 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 55 130
5/1 64 119
4/2 73 108
3/3 83 98
2/4 92 87
1/5 101 76
0/6 110 65
Purple Con MOBs (+4 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 48 96
5/1 56 88
4/2 64 80
3/3 72 72
2/4 80 64
1/5 88 56
0/6 96 48
Purple Con MOBs (+5 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 41 60
5/1 48 55
4/2 55 50 3/3 62 45
2/4 68 40
1/5 75 35
0/6 82 30

+ 6.0 Single Origin Enhancement Charts +








White Con MOBs (+0 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 75 300
5/1 100 267
4/2 125 233
3/3 150 200
2/4 175 167
1/5 200 133
0/6 225 100
Yellow Con MOBs (+1 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 68 270
5/1 91 240
4/2 113 210
3/3 136 180
2/4 159 150
1/5 181 120
0/6 204 90
Orange Con MOBs (+2 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 61 240
5/1 81 213
4/2 102 187
3/3 122 160
2/4 142 133
1/5 163 107
0/6 183 80
Red Con MOBs (+3 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 55 195
5/1 73 173
4/2 92 152
3/3 110 130
2/4 128 108
1/5 147 87
0/6 165 65
Purple Con MOBs (+4 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 48 144
5/1 64 128
4/2 80 112
3/3 96 96
2/4 112 80
1/5 128 64
0/6 144 48
Purple Con MOBs (+5 Level)
Damage/Accuracy TH DD
6/0 41 90
5/1 55 80
4/2 68 70 3/3 82 60
2/4 96 50
1/5 109 40
0/6 123 30

+ 7.0 Final Analysis +

I am kind of surprised when I hear lower Security Level heroes running around begging for influence in order to buy TOs. Check out the charts. If you have six slots, you aren’t going to need TOs, you’re going to need DOs at least. A six slotted TO going for all damage still only does 150% on EVEN CON MOBs.

I have found that if I take all those TOs I get in the lower levels and sell them, by the time it’s time to buy DOs I have enough influence to pop for a whole set.

This is why I never use TOs unless it’s to get them out of my tray because I filled it up during a mission. They all get sold. Every last one.

I hope someone somewhere found this useful.

~ Glow Girl ~
Galactic Tanker for the Cause of Good
Leading Lady Legendary

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