Letters to the Editor

Social Studies

In response to “Fansy the Famous Bard” from The Escapist Forum: Please explain to me how this was Fansy “striking a blow for the good” and not “Fansy being an incredible jerk-off griefer”. Yes, it was supposed to be a no-rules server, and that does, mean that, at its core, if you can do it then it’s OK. Was there really ever any doubt in your mind that what you were doing was, at the very least, being a jerk? When those folks signed up for PvP, do you think what they envisioned was PvM with the M’s provided by a bard? Explain to me why your desire to act like a jackass trumps everyone else’s desire to play the game, if you will.

– spadefoot

I have no pity for these people who would bitch and complain about getting trained like that, while assumingly simultaneously running to newbie zones and one-hitting any poor soul that crossed their path.

– Tesahli

I tell you that it has always been sort of a secret dream of mine to be able to influence the events of an MMO, to feel like the days and days I spend grinding will add up to some meaningful achievement. Sadly this is not so.

– Jerakal

I once described Sullon Zek as the ass-end of the EQ universe. I was being polite. Sullon Zek is more like a sink for all the maladjusted, twisted, griefing, hate filled, wretched bottom dwellers of the EQ universe. A wide swath of the player base of SZ could affectionately be described as a cesspool and more accurately described as genocide worthy. If you didn’t play on SZ then you don’t really know what it’s like to ram your head into a wall over and over again, begging for death but, instead, continuely running back to your corpse like a well trained hamster knowing that you would be killed *yet again* by a 3 foot tall, shoeless bastard with a smirk on his character’s face. What I learned from SZ was hope and tenacity in the face of absolute despair. I also learned that cruelty wells from a bottomless pit and takes a myriad of shapes online.

– Downtym

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In response to “The Angel in the Guild” from The Escapist Forum: I have a female in my guild who always take raid leadership spots, and she’s an officer too. She does a great job at it, and while from time to time we get drama in the guild, is definitely not the female’s fault, but all guildies related to it, males and females. Males provoke as much drama as females, but they just do it in another way.

– Alexandra Erenhart

Ok, I’m going to say this right now, cause I’m sick of hearing it. Girls, when some guy is saying things you don’t like, getting pissy doesn’t help. Getting pissy being defined as “complaining, getting mad, and letting them get to you”. They WANT you to get mad. That’s WHY they do it. So getting mad gives them EXACTLY what they want. Don’t let them. And the best way to do that is to understand the art of the comeback.

– Merlynn

I don’t think it’s really women that cause drama, I think it’s MMO’s themselves lol.

– goodpoltergeist


In response to “The Good Ending” from The Escapist Forum: I find it interesting how it seems that a lot of WoW players seem to be unable to walk the middle path between actively playing and not playing at all, often its either one or the other. Ok a lot can depend on wich part of the game you are on and in wich kind of guild you are in, people in the so called hardcore raiding guilds may have tougher time trying to fit the game in with real life obligations due to the fear of losing a spot in the guild should they suddenly decide to cut back on gaming whereas someone who is still leveling up may be hooked to the whole questing thing and getting those missing levels.

– Repo Man

Did you press the Enter key?

– Chinster

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Diplomacy Island

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