
Asherons Call: Leafcull Scavenger Hunt Winners!

imageWOW, what a great time we had. It was awesome to listen to you all on the LCC Chat Channel as to who was where and going where and how the heck do I find this. Peerless you have no idea the world you have opened up by giving us this gift. We had 18 people participating in the hunt and another 15 helping with the event. 33 people, not a bad show.

Our Winners:

1. Ushira D’ Loshi
2. Lothnar
3. Scotty the Handyman
4. Xantis
5. Ithuriel

Remember winners to use your points on the LCC bot.

You people were wonderful. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

A big thank you to all my helpers. They were my gatherer’s my place holders and my helpers. If I miss you, slap me.

Roewin and Autumn
Madaster Mage
Merlinsun Tu
Sen Cromwell
Rosie Tulips
Willing Wolf
Kuni Xao-Ping
Avatar’s Archer
Rocham Beaux
People in Mads Marauders who hunted cups, tummy necklaces and healing kit givers

One more big special thank you to Sen Cromwell for her donation to LCC of 30 MMD’s. Wow, thank you for your generosity.

About the author

The Wayfairer – Ambush

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