
Asherons Call: Kwip Announces the Annual MS Walk

From Kwip:

Every year around this time, I partake in the MS Walk with our team, Team NeenerNeener.Net (N3 for short). Over the past 3 years, we’ve raised close to $25,000 to fight the devastating effects of MS. Our pledges have dropped year after year, unfortunately, so I’m hoping that this year we can turn things around.

Why do I care? Well, my wife has MS. The life I’m looking to improve is hers. So yeah, this is a pretty important and personal cause for me.

Beyond that, I’m constantly struggling with major media to try and get them to notice that gamers do more than just wear trenchcoats and talk in d00dspeak.

Find out how you can help support this very worthy cause at NeenerNeener.Net

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