Auto Assault: Road Ranger of the Week

Auto Assault: Road Rager of the Week: Aylith!

Aylith – April 30, 2007


Main Avatar:

Race & Class:
Mutant Champion

Clan: Not in one, but looking for one.

First Name (RL):

Profession (RL):
Stock Counter

Location (RL):

When and How did you start playing Auto Assault?
Started when it first came out, at the time I didn’t get anywhere with it. Then when my account was activated for the 10 days I tried it again and now I’m hooked.

How did you choose you Avatar’s name?
It started about 5 or 6 years ago when playing a MUD called Legends of Terris, I was trying to think of an Elvish sounding name and Aylith came to mind. After that I just used Aylith for all game as my main character.

Why did you choose your main Faction & Class?
I always thought that Mutants had the best story lines and I chose Champion because I wanted to ease myself into AA again but I love my Champion so I’m sticking with him.

Do you play solo? Why did you join a clan?
I play solo most of the time, not joined a clan yet but like I said I am looking for one.

Do you prefer PvE or PvP?
PvE simply because I’m useless when it comes to PvP.

Do you craft? What is your favorite crafted item (yours or others)?
I can’t really seem to get into crafting right now, I may try again at some point.

What is your weapon of choice?
I love my Contaminated Gatling Gun, that was a good find.

What is your favorite ride?
My current ride the MT Bruin is my fave right now. I’m level 31 so I’ve not got a great deal of choice but it’s a good all rounder.


Which junk item do you refuse to get rid of?
I just sell it all, apart from crafting items despite the fact I don’t craft.

What is your favorite NPC & location in AA?
It’s got to be Theo, poor guy has Alice on him all the time, let’s hope one day he’s free from her.

Who is your Arch-Nemesis in AA (Player or other)?
I’ve had a few rounds with the Scav Dozer. Always winning but coming close to destruction.

What is your favorite moment you’ve experienced in AA?
It’s a tie between beating the Scav Dozer when it was 4 levels above me and getting through Barrancas Del Corazan, escorting the Zendig was tough.

What song/genre you like to listen while playing AA?
Dragonforce mainly but mostly heavy metal.

What current feature would you change in AA to make it better?
I’d like to see the Auction House being cross faction and make more vehicle items universal so there would be more to buy from it. At the moment I don’t see anything worth buying in auction.

Which new AA features would you like to see in the future?
I’d like to see something like a hazard mode for those under level 40. Nothing as powerful but it seems a bit silly to be building up to hazard mode then finding out you can’t use it until level 40.

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