Unforgotten Realms

Unforgotten Realms Episode One: The Remaking of Heroes


The Escapist is proud to present Unforgotten Realms, a new series based on an old one of the same name. Awesome! Better animation, a deeper, more captivating story and even better, more awesomer characters. Unforgotten Realms will kick your butt with its dual-nunchuk monacled power!

Unforgotten Realms is the epic tale of Sir Schmoopy of Awesometon, the dual nunchuk-wielding sorcerer and Eluamous Nailo, Master Wizard in training (AKA Rob and Mike) and their animated adventures in the Unforgotten Realms (AKA, Mike’s role playing game).

In Episode One, Sir Schmoopy and Eluamous roll their characters and … do a quest or something. Awesome!

See a new episode of Unforgotten Realms every other Thursday at The Escapist.

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