Beta Journals

WOTLK Beta: Alyx’s Adventures (2/3): 56 But Not Much Tricks


Getting diverted as a novice death knight is actually easier than it looks. When you least expect it, someone from your past pops up in all new ways. The latest? Another friend from Naxxramas, Noth the Plaguebringer, a boss from the Plague Wing. For those unfortunate to not have a guild interested (or capable of) Naxxramas back in the day (or bored enough to do it now), they may recognize the Plague Cauldrons from the Western Plaguelands. Noth is here to teach you how to make them, but first you must fill !The Plaguebringer’s Request and go ingredient shopping for him. He gives you the list, points you towards New Avalon, and dismisses you.


Task one: collect some stuff


Before you head over to the New Avalon Mini-Mart of Questing Materials, stopping by the Crypt of Remembrance is a good idea. Now even though Keleseth claims to be the ruler of the southeastern reaches of Northrend, he’s chilling out in this crypt as a favor to the Lich King handing out tasks. The Lich King must not think too much of his ruling ability.

Task two: collect some stuff, kill some guy


New Avalon’s Mayor has got !Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide. Nowhere to Run was actually a song first made popular by Martha & the Vandellas and holds a nice spot on the Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. It’s also been covered about a million times.

Nowhere to run to, baby
Nowhere to hide
Got nowhere to run to, baby
Nowhere to hide


Baron Rivendare is quietly hanging out in an enclave to the side, ranting about the Scarlet Crusade (also, the dude on the wall is cool). He notes among many things, their utter persistence even though “Scourge battles against them have resulted in several of the most tragic events in human history”. More tragic is the fact despite substantial farming and helping friends do the same, Baron Rivendare still has his awesome Deathcharger and we do not. This persistence proves either the Scarlet Crusade isn’t very bright, or they really have an overpopulation problem. Perhaps both. But as long as they’re willing to be !Lambs to the Slaughter, how can you refuse? We are of course inclined to tell him “no problem, we were going there anyway – and would you like some plague cauldrons with that?”


So off you go to New Avalon (we don’t know where Old Avalon is). The citizens of New Avalon are rather meek and helpless, and don’t even put up much of a fight. You’ll also find what you need for Noth, so head back to him first and make sure he gets his components.

Congratulations! You’ve unlocked what appears to be a repeatable quest, and made your very own Plague Cauldron.


Back at the Crypt, Keleseth is grateful for the new information you’ve been given, but disturbed all at the same time. The existence of the “Crimson Dawn” disturbs him, and you’ll need to investigate. Baron Rivendare’s impressed with your handiwork, and why wouldn’t he be? His offer is quite tempting, but you’ve still got to talk to a few people first.


Keleseth wants to teach you !How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies. Forget the self-help aisle, bring your blades and head back over to New Avalon. Among other things, you learn of a courier from Hearthglen…


Keleseth figures at this point the best thing to do is send you deep into New Avalon !Behind Scarlet Lines, to the Scarlet Tavern where Orbaz Bloodbane, Thassarian, and Koltira are hanging out investigating the courier as well.


When you arrive at the Tavern, Orbaz and Thassarian are there – but Kolitra is missing.

Orbaz Bloodbane’s not too sure where or when this courier is going to show, so he sends you to find out the !Path of the Righteous Crusader – it turns out inside Scarlet Hold is where they keep all that stuff. While you’re in Scarlet Hold, Thassarian wants you to find one of your !Brothers In Death, famed death knight Kolitra Deathweaver. Orbaz and Thassarian really don’t see eye to eye on this move, but you’re a death knight with two jobs headed in the same direction – how can you turn this down?


Inside Scarlet Hold, you’ll find the New Avalon Patrol Schedule easily, but the sight that will greet you when you find Kolitra is astonishing.


At this point, you reach level 57 and the fun finally starts to kick in as you slay High Inquisitor Valroth and you are informed of a cunning plan involving prisoners at the Church of the Crimson Flame which you know you’re going to have to investigate. It’s a bit predictable, but don’t you want to know how it all turns out? Sure you do.

Unfortunately, Koltira Deathweaver won’t be coming back with you.

Each night as I sleep
Into my heart you creep
I wake up feeling sorry I met you
Hoping soon that I’ll forget you

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