Loading Time

Loading Time Returns!

After a short break, Loading Time is back! Apologies for not putting up a Loading Time last week, but even as cool as we are, sometimes we don’t get up to much interesting stuff.

Anyhow, this week the always entertaining Alex Steacy steps up the Loading Time editing plate to document the creation of Fear Itself. Overall, this was a fairly unremarkable shoot. The extent of our costuming was Graham grabbing his suit, Paul and James picking up two pairs of novelty devil horns, and me finding some red lipstick to match the devil horns. Also, the red tie brought the whole thing together.

Just like the costuming, the shooting was also straight forward, efficient and without hassle. With all that in mind, what’s really fun about this Loading Time is it doesn’t really touch much on the technical act of putting a video together — it’s more about what its actually like to film with us. As you can see from the video, a lot of good natured hijinks and ribbing happens. Godwin’s Law is almost evoked. James and I head out on the least epic quest for pushpins ever committed to film. We experiment with method acting. Alex inserts music that sounds suspiciously like dubstep into the video. I could go on, but at this point I’m just spoiling all the jokes.


  • The dress I’m wearing was the same dress I wore in Conan’s Witnesses. It’s from Esprit.
  • The sign that says “Hell Fear Actualization Department” was arted in afterwards by Graham. He used After Effects to do it.
  • The screams at the beginning and the end of the video are both Alex. Graham pitched up the scream at the beginning of a video to make it sound like a different person. Trickery!

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Two Million Sales to Freedom

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