Gallery of the Day

7 Great E3 Reveals

Today marks the beginning of E3 2014. To celebrate the beginning of the premier video game conference we give you seven great reveals from the history of the conference.

Few things can match the reception that Twilight Princess received at E3 2004.


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Everyone loves Super Smash Bros Melee, and no one loved it more than when it was announced at E3 2001.


In 2005 Nintendo announced the Revolution, you may know it by its other name, the Wii. What Nintendo didn’t know was just how much this would really revolutionize that generation’s consoles.


This may have been from last year’s E3 but it’s memorable all the same. This was when Sony made the Xbox One its bitch, it made all the PlayStation fanboys giddy.


At E3 2009 Microsoft showed off Project Natal, it wasn’t ready at the time but since then it’s gotten much better. Project Natal went on to be called Kinect and has changed the world.


One huge reveal that E3 2008 had to offer was Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360. Most of the people were very happy about the fact that this wasn’t just another PlayStation exclusive.


E3 2010 saw a huge surprise with Gaben taking the stage to announce Portal 2 for the PS3.


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