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8 Movies That Should Have You Living In The Theater This July

This month is pretty fantastic for films, this month we see new movies from Luc Besson, who you may remember made The Fifth Element and The Professional, and Woody Allen, you may recall him from the fact that he’s quite possibly one of the most talented filmmakers of the 20th and 21st centuries. So wrap your eyes around these flicks, who knows, they may be good.


On July 11 we get the latest installment in the reboot of the Planet of the Apes series with Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. This time around the apes are becoming more and more adept in the ways of humans. With a cast that features some of the best actors around, and some actors that look to be becoming the best actors of their generation.

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July 18th brings us Mood Indigo, the latest from French auteur Michel Gondry, who you may recall made the groundbreaking Be Kind Rewind. This time around he’s working with Audrey Tautou, who is playing a woman that has a strange illness which is caused by a flower growing in her lungs. This sounds like the perfect material for the person that made Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


The next wacky comedy to hit theaters is Sex Tape, it’s coming to you on July 18. A film about “the cloud” and sex tapes, it may sound contrived but with Jake Kasdan behind the camera we may be surprised. Jake has made a name for himself with films like Zero Effect and Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, and considering that his father co-wrote Empire Strikes Back he’s got some serious genetic cred.


Zach Braff’s next movie, Wish I Was Here, is coming out on July 18th, this film was produced thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign. In this flick Zach plays a struggling actor who is also struggling with finding his identity, so basically a Garden State for the mid-30’s crowd.


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is making his way back to theaters on July 25th with Hercules. This retelling is basically Hercules & Friends as he and a small cadre of cohorts train a group of killers to be more capable killers. It promises to be an amazing action film, Brett Ratner is taking the helm for this flick and hopefully he does what he does best: Make engrossing, mindless action films.


Luc Besson’s next film Lucy is finally hitting screens on July 25th. The film is one of those flicks about using 100% of your brain and the amazingness that can be unlocked. That whole premise is flawed, but once you get past that and realize that you’re watching fiction you should be able to enjoy the movie. Even with the questionable plot device you know that this man can deliver, if you question his talent just go back and watch anything else that he’s directed, that should calm you down.


Woody Allen’s next film Magic in the Moonlight is coming out on July 25. This film features Emma Stone and Colin Firth, two of the best actors around with Woody Allen at the helm promises to be amazing. Woody’s last film, Blue Jasmine, proved that he hasn’t lost a bit of talent over the years. He’s moved from absurd comedies to great dramatic pieces – not many filmmakers can make that jump, and we’ll see if Allen can sustain it.


If your air conditioning goes out around July 25th, then Rob Reiner is there for you with And So It Goes. He’s directed the perfect film for a nice air conditioned afternoon nap. Don’t worry about the story, it’s a rehashed love story that should put you to sleep even if you aren’t tired. So if you don’t have AC and really just need a nap and a way to avoid a bunch of people then this is the film for you.

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