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PAX Prime 2014 Day 3: That Sub-Zero Cosplay Might Actually Be Illegal

PAX Prime’s Sunday lineup was so good that one cosplayer was concerned about being escorted from the premises.

With two days of PAX Prime in the rear-view mirror, you’d think that there would be some signs of fatigue from the cosplay crowd, but you would be wrong. And that’s embarrassing because I all I want to do is soak my feet in medicated ointment and shovel pizza into my face.

My life isn’t exactly dignified.

Selecting the best costumes at PAX hasn’t been easy, and Sunday was no different. Characters from Doctor Who and Game of Thrones drew huge crowds on the show floor, and staples like Deadpool and Sub-Zero were constantly milling about.

Here are some of our favorites. And, if you see something that you dig, give it a shout out in the comments.


Julia Woolworth as Magister of Worth (Magic the Gathering)

This is the very first costume that Julia’s ever made. She doesn’t mess around.

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Ciji Thornton as Hatsune Miku

Japan’s favorite holographic pop star made a rare appearance on American shores this week.
Check out Ciji’s other costumes on her Facebook page or Twitter feed.


Jessica Trimble, Kat Thatch, Anastacia Ferry, Andrew Riddell, Stephanie Villanueva, and Shaylee Bell love Doctor Who

The most impressive part about this Doctor Who collective was the Dalek. It was operated by remote control and included a wireless microphone system. At one point, the robot was singing Frozen’s “Let it Go” in the Convention Center lobby.

Check out the Doctor Who Seattle group on Facebook.


Grant Davis and Thomas Hasenoehrl as Judge Dredd and a Super Soldier

If you’ve been keeping up on The Escapist’s cosplay coverage, you should recognize Grant and Thomas as the duo behind the Commander Shepherd costumes from the first day. Very few people on earth can make foam rubber look so violent.

Feel free to follow Grant on Twitter.


Daniel “MrRepzion” Sulzbach as Deadpool

True friendship doesn’t always follow societal norms, everyone. Don’t judge people just because they’re different.

Follow MrRepzion on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Tumblr.


Jason Van Camp as Joel Robinson (MST3K)

If you ask me, not enough people are cosplaying MST3K. Jason Van Camp agrees, and he’s doing his part to solve the problem.

You should support the cause by following him on Twitter.


Jewel Maiden as Mighty No. 3

Mighty No. 9 hasn’t even hit the market yet, but the costume community is already mining the title for ideas.

You’re ahead of the curve, Jewel.

If you dig this, visit Jewel Maiden on Facebook.


Doug as a zealot (Warhammer 40K)

Doug was extremely gentile and gracious when I asked to take his picture, but the resulting facial expressions prove that he has some deep-seated anger issues.


AnimeWeedLord as Takatsuki Yayoi(The Idolmaster)

AnimeWeedLord has way more machismo in a red dress and pigtails than I’ll ever have, even on my manliest days.

Check him out on Twitter.


Malcolm Wilkerson as Fidel Cashflow

Get it? Because his beard is made of money and his glasses are dollar signs.


Joyce Bowen as Scorpion

Even though her eyes were blood red from a pair of specialized contact lenses, I never feared for my own safety.

Check her out on Facebook and Twitter.


Jenny Harris as Skull Kid (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)

Jenny’s costume was attracting so many picture requests, that she had to recruit a friend to manage the line and hand out contact information.

Check out more of her cosplay on Facebook.


Jordan Konkel and Andrew Taylor as Boom Boom Mary and Elliot (Saber’s Edge)

Jordan and Andrew had some of the most intricate tailoring on the show floor.


Sky and Michelle Corbelli as characters from Infinty Blade

I think this is the first Infinity Blade cosplay that I’ve ever seen, and it was exquisite.
Sky and Michelle are the same couple behind Friday’s Portal cosplay.

Feel free to follow Sky on Blogspot and Michelle on Twitter.


Lindsay Ringelstetter as Cersei Lannister, Justin Weingartner as Renly Baratheon, Sarah Richardson as Daenerys Targaryen, and James Escobar as Khal Drogo

This Game of Thrones crew didn’t let any detail go overlooked. Even their facial expressions are prefect. George R. R. Martin would be so proud.


Alcuin Gersh as Thranduil (The Hobbit)

I’m not a short dude and Alcuin was more than a head taller than me. I’m not sure if he had some kind of height-extending apparatus under that costume, but I was terrified.


Mike Byron as one of the dudes from Daft Punk

No cosplay convention would be complete without a Daft Punk cosplayer, but Mike Byron found a whole new level of perfection. During our shoot, he offered to change the information being displayed on the LED visor.

Plus, that suit is snappy as hell.


Sean (Medic), Jack (Demo Man), Cameron (scout), Erik (Heavy Weapons), Et (Spy), and DJ (Soldier) as the red team in TF2.

Thank god these guys didn’t have a pyro in their crew. Pyros are the absolute worst.

Follow Sean on Twitter.


Samantha Wheeldon as LIara T’Soni

Samantha’s costume didn’t draw nearly as much attention as it deserved. It had a certain simplicity about it, but the makeup was incredible.

Check her out on Twitter. Facebook.


Phil Lin as Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)

Phil’s costume could emit a cloud of frosty breath on command, an effect that was achieve via an internally mounted vaporizer.

It was a really terrific effect, but Phil was trying to keep it under wraps during the convention. Vaping isn’t allowed inside of the convention center, and he was worried about getting kicked out.

His rebellion was worth it, though. Whenever he would exhale, I couldn’t stop giggling.

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