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8 Great Reasons To Appreciate Saved By The Bell

Some say that The Wire is the greatest television show, but today I propose that it is not The Wire but Saved By The Bell. This television show defined a generation, it highlighted the issues of the time and yet, it is timeless. So today look back at the cultural well-spring that is Saved By The Bell.


Saved By The Bell‘s comedic element is Screech, the Lisa Turtle loving, resident nerd. Whenever Zack needed someone with smarts he always turned to Screech. This was the driving force behind the show, because without Screech you would have chaos.

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When it comes to clumsy and gullible you can look no further than Principal Belding. He kept order in the halls, all while letting Zack get away with everything. He ended up being a true friend to the kids, but for the majority of the series he was the bane of their existence.


Anyone who was anyone at Bayside hung out at The Max, and the man behind The Max was Max himself. This magician slash restaurateur was the reason so many made a stop at the diner. He entertained and served probably mediocre burgers and such, but no one was there for the food.


Albert Clifford Slater, or A.C. to his friends, was the resident jock. He was the star of the wrestling and football teams, although he also had a softer side which shone through when he showed off his ballet prowess. This guy was the gruff, yet tender, demeanor of the high school.


Jessie Spano was the overachiever of the group, smart and on top of her game. Although she set quite a few standards for herself that no one could reach, which was apparent when she had an issue with speed, she just needed that extra push.


Lisa Turtle, a fashionista in the unappreciative world of Bayside. She may have felt like she was better than the rest of the cast but she didn’t show it. She was the on again, off again, love interest of Samuel “Screech” Powers.


Every school needs the perfect person and Kelly Kapowski was it for Bayside. She was smart and funny, she didn’t take crap from anyone. She was usually in some sort of a relationship with Zack or A.C., it helps that they were the only two attractive guys in the show.


Last, but not least, we have Bayside’s own version of Ferris Bueller. When not on his high tech phone he was doing what he could to be the preppy anarchist trying to shake up Bayside at its core. He may have looked like he is just having a good time, what with the Zack Attack and all, but in reality he was showing the faults in America’s school system.

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