Gallery of the Day

8 Terrifying But Harmless Animals

Today we give you eight animals that look like they would be very dangerous, but in reality they’re harmless. So don’t let your eyes deceive you, these animals are your friends.

The Giant African Millipede may look dangerous, but in reality many people keep them as pets. These horrific looking creatures will only curl up in a ball if threatened. So even if you threaten them you’ll only get a ball of millipede.

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The vampire bat may seem like a creature out of a horror film, after all it is the vague basis for the Dracula. But in reality it doesn’t really want anything to do with humans, the only way they’ll come across one of us is if we put ourselves in its way.

This lemur, is also known as the aye-aye. It may look like a gremlin but really it’s as harmless as a vampire bat. The only creatures that should fear this beast are grubs and trees.

The Goliath birdeater may seem like a dangerous predator, but all it really wants are bugs and small rodents. The worst it can do to humans is annoy us with the hairs on its back.

Okay, it’s a snake and that’s scary on its own, but this snake isn’t going to inject you with venom or constrict around you causing you to suffocate. The milk Snake just looks very similar to the deadly coral snake but doesn’t have any of that pesky poisonous venom.

The basking shark is a shark, so it makes sense to be wary of the beast. But the reality of the situation is that they don’t want anything to do with humans. What they really want is plankton, so we’re off the hook when it comes to this particular breed of shark.

Manta Ray

The gharial may seem like a dangerous creature, it is a member of the crocodile family, but it wouldn’t know what to do with a human if it found one. The animal’s long snout couldn’t handle something as big as a person, so it sticks to small fish.

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