
Import Witcher 2 Save Files to Witcher 3 On PC to Continue Geralt’s Story

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PC users can transfer their Witcher 2 save files into Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and continue an unbroken story with Geralt of Rivia. See how it’s done with this simple explanation.

This bonus feature continues the story straight into the third RPG in the long-running Polish fantasy series, letting you see how previous choices have changed the world. There are multiple world states, and new adopters or console players can simulate old choices with a quick menu, similar to the options available in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Make an impact on this open-world adventure. See how to maintain those precious PC save files, or convert your console world to match those ancient adventures.

How to Import PC Save Files

To import Geralt’s past instead of manually simulating it in-game, make sure your Witcher 2 save files are in the correct file directory.

Make sure your save files are located here:

  • Users\<Your Username>\My Documents\Witcher 2\gamesaves

Steam cloud saves or altered installation paths will confuse Witcher 3’s import functionality and won’t properly import old saves, leaving you to input Geralt’s history at the start of the game.

Establishing Geralt’s Past [Consoles/PC]

If Witcher 3 can’t find saves in the folder listed above, a new option will become available. This is the default option on console.

Before starting the game proper, you’ll be asked if you want to “simulate a specific state” of the game world. If you agree, a special conversation takes place at the start.

A Nilfgaardian General wants to know all about Geralt of Rivia, and you can choose to agree or disagree with the details being spread. Depending on how you answer, the world will change. This occurs after completing the first main story quest.

This is an optional conversation. If you don’t want to simulate a world state, the conversation is skipped and the setting matches a generic state with certain decisions and choices already picked for you.

What those choices are, we don’t really know. Drop us a comment if you find anything especially cool carried over from previous Witcher adventures.

Sources: [1], [2]

Kevin Thielenhaus is a freelance writer for The Escapist. Find him on Twitter here.

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