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8 Videogame Sequels that Surpass the Original Game

Sequels exist for only one reason: To give gamers more of a series they like. Usually they include most all of the features of the original, with a few tweaks or additions to make them stand out from the previous title. Unfortunately, this often means the sequels are either similar enough to not distinguish themselves, or too far removed from the original to capture the same magic. These eight sequels not only avoided those pitfalls, they surpassed their forebears completely.

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Batman: Arkham City

After Arkham Asylum took the world by storm, it was hard to imagine how Rocksteady could top it with a sequel. The developer apparently had more imagination than I did (there’s a shock), because they went out and did just that. Batman had more gadgets, more abilities, and a gigantic open world to glide around in. It also offered up even more of the combat that was so great in the first game.

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God of War 2

Without question, God of War was a game (and a series) that defined a generation of gaming. The first game was one of the most exciting games on the PlayStation 2, yet somehow Santa Monica Studios managed to top it in the sequel. They did that by making everything bigger. You start the game taking on the Colossus of Rhodes, and things only get larger from there. The set pieces were huge, and Kratos was even more of an angry badass than he was the first time around.

Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil went from a successful survival horror series to a full-blown action-horror powerhouse, and the game that made it happen was Resident Evil 4. Although it went through a long development cycle and numerous failed concepts, when it finally launched, Resident Evil 4 reinvented the series. A new camera, location-specific damage, the addition of a laser sight, and the ability to interact more with the environment are just a few of the many changes RE 4 brought to the series, resulting in a game that sold millions of copies.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Although the original Uncharted was a masterpiece, Naughty Dog put everyone on notice that there was an even better game in store right out of the gate in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. The opening scene that has Nathan Drake waking up in a train dangling over a cliff high in the mountains kicks off a game that is filled with action, shootouts, varied locations and a great story. The mix of action and adventure felt spot on, allowing Uncharted 2 to surpass its progenitor.

Borderlands 2

Borderlands was sort of surprise hit. Gearbox was a developer known mostly for their work on the Brothers in Arms series and the Half-Life expansions, and Borderlands was a sci-fi, first-person shooter / RPG hybrid. Regardless, the formula worked, and the game was a hit. Borderlands 2 built on that success, adding an intriguing story, great characters, and refining the loot system. The original sold roughly 4.5 million copies, but the sequel buried that number, having sold 13 million copies as of August 2015.

Assassin’s Creed 2

While the first Assassin’s Creed had a lot of promise, it fell short in a few areas, especially with its repetitive gameplay and illusion of freedom. Two years after the first game, Assassin’s Creed 2 delivered on the promise. Not only did the move to Italy during the Renaissance make for a more enjoyable atmosphere, it also made things recognizable. Exploration was rewarding, the characters were excellent, and the writing and story were far superior to the original. It’s still considered by many to be the best game of all the Assassin’s Creed titles.

Half-Life 2

Few games have been as influential as the Half-Life titles. It’s hard to believe that a sequel could surpass an original that won over 50 Game of the Year awards in 1998, but in 2004, that’s exactly what Half-Life 2 did. Not only did it bring gamers more of the adventures of Gordon Freeman, it also introduced the Source engine. Furthermore, it was the first single-player game to require online activation, thanks to a new piece of software called Steam. Both games were wildly successful, but the sequel has been called one of the best games ever made by many people.

Saints Row the Third

For its first two installments, the Saints Row series mostly regarded as a mildly successful knock-off of the Grand Theft Auto games. While developing the third game, Volition decided to make everything completely over the top, which in retrospect was a great choice. Crammed with pop-culture references, absurd missions and situations, and humor that ranges from ridiculous to juvenile, Saints Row the Third not only distinguished the series from others in the genre, it made Saints Row a must-play title for countless gamers.

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