
Prey Walkthrough | Pt.12 Perdition / Mind Without Limits [Finale]


Choose your ending as we delve into the last two missions of Prey [2017] in the last part of our main story walkthrough.

There are two methods to solve the Typhon problem on Talos 1, and both are equally viable. Whichever you choose, you’ll slightly alter your ending — so it’s really just a matter of preference. Whatever you want to do, we’ve got all the steps for both simultaneous quests below.

Just scroll to whichever quest you want to complete, and don’t turn off the game when the credits start to roll. You’ll want to stick around for the final post-credits scene.

Table of Contents

Walkthrough | Pt. 12: Finale

The endgame quests begin when you meet with Alex Yu in the Arboretum. While talking, he holds out the Nullwave Device plan. Take it, and after the Apex Typhon attacks, you’ll be able to collect the Arming Key off Alex’s body.

Using these two items, you’ll be able to complete one of the two final quests. Arm the self destruct and destroy the station with “Perdition” or destroy the Typhon threat with a massive Nullwave blast in the “A Mind Without Limits” quest.

You can complete one or both quests until the end. Skip to the final quest you want to complete with the quick guides below.

Quest: Perdition

The final step of “Keys to the Kingdom” leads directly into “Perdition” – take the Arming Key off Alex Yu’s body, and craft Morgan Yu’s Arming Key with the Fabrication Plan you collected during the “Deep Storage” main quest. Use any Fabricator to create it.

To destroy the station, access the self-destruct console in the Power Plant. The Talos 1 Exterior area is too dangerous – take the Talos 1 Lobby elevator down to Life Support and access the Power Plant.

The Power Plant is infested with powerful Typhon, including Apex Typhon tentacles. In the main Reactor Chamber, you’ll have to avoid the tentacles, Technopaths, Weavers and Telepaths. Drop down to the lowest floor, open the hatch, and hit the button to reveal a secret passage that leads to a chamber beneath the reactor.

Go down and insert both arming keys. Activate them both, and you’ll get your final objective – trigger the station’s self destruct in the Talos 1 Bridge. Take the Talos 1 Lobby lift up to the Arboretum to access the Talos 1 Bridge bulkhead.

If you incapacitate Dahl and w ipe his memory with Dr. Igwe, you’ll be able to trick him into piloting his shuttle, allowing the survivors to escape. That means the remaining survivors will be able to escape, even if you select to destroy the Talos 1 Station and sacrifice yourself.

In the bridge, enter the Captain’s Loft. Alex Yu and January will confront you. January wants to kill Alex Yu. If Alex Yu dies, you’ll be free to activate self destruct terminal in the Captain’s Loft.

Quest: A Mind Without Limits

This optional endgame quest begins when you meet with Alex Yu in the Arboretum. While talking, he holds out the Nullwave Device plan. Take it, and you can choose whether to complete this route or not. Follow this quest to save the Talos 1 Station and destroy the Typhon threat in and around using a powerful Nullwave blast.

Use any Fabricator to create the prototype Nullwave Device, and you’ll get the next step. Go to Psychotronics and scan for the center of the coral network in the Typhon chamber. The heart of the coral chamber is accessed through the door opposite the G.U.T.S. Bulkhead, in the Psychotronics section. Take the grav lift up to the Live Exam / Material Extraction labs.

Deploy the Nullwave Transmitter on the heart of the coral – a pulsating blob on one of the floating satellites in the micro-gravity environment. When the prototype is in place, backtrack to the Arboretum and access the Talos 1 Bridge.

In the bridge, enter the Captain’s Loft. Alex Yu and January will confront you. January wants to kill Alex Yu. If Alex Yu dies, you’ll be free to activate self destruct terminal in the Captain’s Loft. Otherwise, kill January and go back downstairs to the bridge and activate the Nullwave Device terminal to lobotomize all the Typhon on the station.

More Prey guides on The Escapist:

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