
Asherons Call: Voting

Some terrific stories are up for voting at Don’t miss them and help determine which author will start off the year as the winner of Story of the Month.[P]The Nominees:
[p]Sweet Dreams by Dragon ën Morta

A man finds himself in impossible situations. Recommend you start reading here.

[P]The Payoff by Mecha0

Who can you really trust?

[P]Virtually Real by Coyote Toledo – Asheron’s Call

In this comedy Mosswarts are in the parking lot as the fantasy world finds earth.

[P]Nepal by Braxus – Anarchy Online

Something is found in Chapter 5 of this novel.

[P]And a Child Shall Lead Them by Lightwise

A young boy discovers an amazing talent

[P]Vote Here

Unfortunately still no word on who won the recent story contest that held in conjuction with Microsoft. I’m sure all the participants are dying to know if they’ve won.

About the author

Asherons Call: I Shall Take That Job!

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