
Asherons Call: Yee! I WON A T-SHIRT!

In honor of the opening of our official website, we are giving away prizes to all the individuals who contributed to the site’s “firsts”. Congratulations to the following people who were the first for their respective categories:

* First person to link to the site: Solan_Thommad

* First fan site news item to link to the site: Keth al-Sheth

* First screenshot submitted: Magnus Flood

* First positive comments submitted to the webmaster: Patti Montgomery

* First error posted on the message boards: Nietchse

* First site error submitted to the webmaster: Tze

* First Q&A Question asked on the new site: War Raven

* First Community news item submitted to the site and posted: Taranis al’Sidhe

Each of these lucky players gets a Turbine T-Shirt, featuring an honest-to-goodness Lugian! Again, congratulations, and thanks to all of the people who’ve helped make this site a success!

Make sure to visit the site often as we unveil new and exciting contests and prizes!

Note to the Winners: In order to get the the right shirts shipped out, we need each of you to e-mail Thyell stating their t-shirt size and mailing address.

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