
Asherons Call: New Poll About Screenshots

Here are the results of last week’s poll:

What “boss” critter would you like to see again?


image – 49.9% (1431 votes)
Asheron image – 15.2% (437 votes)
Gertarh image – 8.1% (233 votes)
Frore’s Critters (Sir Tremblant, The Great Work, etc.) image – 7.1% (204 votes)
The Spire Shadows image – 6.0% (172 votes)
Elysa Strathelar image – 4.1% (119 votes)
Black Ferah image – 3.2% (93 votes)
Anadil image – 3.0% (86 votes)
Ler Rhan image – 2.2% (63 votes)
Asmolum image – 1.1% (32 votes)

Total Votes: [font color=”#CC0000″]2870

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Asherons Call: Patch Day is Set

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