
Asherons Call: Raylin\’s Ramblings Promises Pleasure

Once again Raylin’s Ramblings has updated for your reading pleasure. Here’s a little snippet of what the newest column has in store for you.

“For those of you on Gimp Watch, you’ve probably noticed that my stats over on ACStats have taken a big jump since last week. What happened is that a friend of mine, Din-Chi Witzen, took me to get my first ever Eviscerter pincer. After holding on to it for a couple of days, I saw my chance to join in a seven person fellowship, and took it. 8.4 million exp later, I was two levels higher and had a tad over nine million exp to spend.”

As usual the column can be found at I hope you all enjoy it, and I’ll see you again next week.

Raylin Du’Notin

Chancellor, Obsidian Legion

About the author

Asherons Call: Where do people Combat Macro?

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