
Call Of Duty Among Four Activision Titles Coming To Steam

Valve, developers of the Half-Life series, announced yesterday a partnership with Activision that would bring four new titles to the Steam digital distribution service.

The Activision titles to be made available through Valve’s service are: Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty, Call of Duty United Offensive and Gun. The news bolsters recent enthusiasm for the high-profile Steam, which has received some positive press of late by facilitating the online sale of games such as Defcon and Psychonauts.

Valve Marketing Director, Doug Lombardi, released pricing information to Next Generation with Call of Duty 2 being made available at a $39.99 price point and the other games at $19.99, though a release date remains a vague “this month”.

Said Dave Anderson, senior director of business development for Activision regarding the deal, “As broadband penetration continues to grow worldwide, offering our titles digitally to the millions of gamers connected through Steam makes sense to us.”

In related news Monte Cristo city-builder City Life is now available via Steam for $39.95.

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