
Take-Two Sounds Off On Manhunt 2

The publishers of Rockstar’s Manhunt 2, a violent and often gore-filled action game banned in Britain and effectively prohibited in the US, vowed that the title will be released and criticized the Adults Only rating.

“We also have hundreds of extraordinarily talented people who have worked on this title for three years, and supporting their creative vision and bringing it to consumers as unvarnished and unchanged as possible is crucial to us,” Take-Two chairman Strauss Zelman said in a conference call.

The title received its AO rating from the industry-established Entertainment Software Ratings Board. Most US retailers refuse to stock products with that rating label.

Zelman, who described the title as “art,” also sounded off about the efficacy of a rating system that de facto prevents release.

“What is the purpose of a rating if it means effectively that a title cannot be released?…Having a rating that we don’t think is appropriate is one issue, obviously, and a separate issue would be if we feel the rating is appropriate and we can’t bring it to market – that seems somewhat nonsensical.”

Source: Gamespot.

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