
ESAC Releases Study of the Canadian Videogame Industry


The Entertainment Software Association of Canada has released the results of the first-ever study to look specifically at the state of the Canadian game industry.

Entitled Entertainment Software: The Industry in Canada, the study was conducted by Ottawa consulting firm Hickling Arthurs Low on behalf of the ESAC. The survey found 9,000 people directly employed by the videogame industry in 260 companies across the country, generating revenues estimated at $1.5 to $2 billion.

“This is an important first step in quantifying the growing impact of our industry in Canada,” said ESAC Executive Director Danielle LaBossiere Parr. “Most Canadians may not be aware that we are home to two of the largest game development studios in the industry and that Canada is developing and exporting some of the top video and computer games in the world.”

The study also found the industry is recognized by the Canadian government for its importance to the continued health and growth of the national economy. The country’s Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty, said, “The Canadian videogame industry is an important and growing segment of Canada’s economy. This kind of innovation, coupled with the highly skilled jobs in this sector, are integral to Canada’s future prosperity.”

The full text of the study is available here (PDF format).

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