
Pennsylvania Governor Teams up with ESRB for Campaign

In a bid to increase awareness of videogame ratings, Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell has started a campaign to broadcast public service announcements in collaboration with the Entertainment Software Ratings Board.

“Parents face many tough decisions about the images and media they allow into their homes,” said Governor Rendell. “Game ratings developed by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board offer an effective and informative tool to help parents to decide if a certain video game is appropriate. When ratings are used in conjunction with parental controls that are available on newer game systems, parents are able to make sure that their children are playing only games they deem suitable.”

The ESRB is an industry body created in 1994 by the Entertainment Software Association to appraise computer and video game ratings and enforce advertising guidelines.

Rating labels range from EC, meaning Early Childhood, to Adults Only. Accompanying the symbols are brief content descriptions outlining what in the game has occasioned the rating.

More information about the joint outreach effort is available at

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