
GamerLympic Haiku Contest Winners!


To write a Haiku
About a videogame
Is no easy task

And yet that’s exactly what we’re asking you to do for today’s event. It can be about anything related to videogames, so you’ve got plenty of material to use as inspiration. Good luck!


After much deliberation, consideration, and arm wrestling, we have chosen our favorite six submissions are up for everyone to see. (Hey, don’t laugh, we received so many fantastic haikus that it wasn’t easy to narrow it down to just six choices!) Now it is up to the you, the community, to vote on which you like best! There will be a forum open with each of the haiku’s in it. Please visit each and submit your vote.

The winners will be decided based on the number of votes received. Voting will begin on Thursday, August 21st and will end on Friday, August 22nd at approximately 3PM EST.

Voting for this event is now closed. Congratulations to the winners!


So this doesn’t turn into popularity contest, the names have been taken OFF the haikus and posted. For those of you whose haikus have been chosen as the top six, do not let anyone know it is yours. We want people to win based on creativity and overall appeal. This does not however mean you can’t voice your opinion on whose you like the most. Talk it up, they will be in the forums for a reason.

If the staff find any type of cheating or swaying of the vote by the submitter, that haiku will be removed and submitter will be stripped of all medals and banned from the site and tournament. In other words, if your work was chosen as one of the top six, keep your trap shut and enjoy the show in the forum where your work is being displayed.

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