
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh 2 Details Emerge


Looks like the next installment in the episodic Watchmen prequel game series The End Is Nigh will be basically the same as the first one, except with more porn.

The next episode in The End Is Nigh will deliver the same brawler-style gameplay and continue to flesh out the backstory of Nite Owl and Rorschach’s golden days as masked vigilantes.

Weapons in the game, according to the ESRB’s description, include crowbars, baseball bats and knives, and enemies run the gamut of generic beat-em-up punching bags: bikers, gang members and thugs.

The story does sound pretty interesting, though, in a dark and twisted Watchmen sort of way. Rorschach and Nite Owl are on the hunt for a villain who molested a porn star, and the “search leads players to a strip club that contains go-go dancers in cages, peep-show booths, and a pornographic film playing in the background.” Rorschach’s going to be angry.

Oh yeah, and before any of you guys get any ideas in your dirty minds, the ESRB says that “although moaning and suggestive dialogue (e.g., “Ohhh, it’s so big!”) can be heard echoing from the film, no nudity or sexual acts are depicted.”

Overall, if you liked what you got in the first episode, then it sounds like you’ll be getting plenty more in the second. Disappointing that there aren’t going to be any other playable characters, though. The fact that Silk Spectre isn’t in the game playing a keytar is a crying shame.

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