
Spector Still Working On Mystery Disney Game


Deus Ex creator and legendary designer Warren Spector has been working on a mysterious game for Disney Interactive for some time now, but will it ever see the light of day? Disney says it will, when it’s ready.

Here’s a game you probably should have been disappointed didn’t show up at E3 but probably weren’t because you forgot it existed or it just slipped your mind: legendary designer Warren Spector’s current project at Junction Point Studios for Disney Interactive. The Deus Ex man became an official member of The House of Mouse in 2007 when Disney gobbled up Junction Point, but since then information about what exactly he’s doing there has been scarce.

Disney, however, would allay your fears. Everything is going well with Warren, they say. “Warren’s hard at work. He has a team working on a great project,” said Disney Interactive general manager Graham Hopper. “We’re going to show it when it’s right and ready. We’re very encouraged by what we’re seeing. I think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised.”

The project, Hopper said, has been in the ideas stage for a long time, even before Spector started work on it, and Disney is giving him as much time as he needs to get the game right. “We’re into a very, very extensive prototyping and technology phase on the game. Right now he’s building levels,” Hopper said. “To get to that point took a long time. That’s why we’ve been quiet. But that’s what the game needs to be successful.”

You might remember that the last batch of rumors regarding the project suggested that it was some sort of Mickey Mouse game with a steampunk vibe.

[Via Gamasutra]

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