
Peggle Nights Coming to XBLA


PopCap’s sequel to their ever-addictive Peggle is making its way to Xbox Live Arcade with brand-new multiplayer modes, forcing Peggle vets to once again consider the question: “Do I really need to buy this game again?”

Really, do I need to buy this game again? Peggle has appeared on every platform from the DS to the iPhone, and those who are slaves to the inimitable rush of watching a ball bounce across a bunch of orange and blue pegs have more than likely bought more than one version of the game. Well, here’s another: making its way for the first time to a non-computer platform, it’s Peggle Nights on XBLA.

Nights added new stages and one new character to the Peggle experience, and for its Xbox debut PopCap is adding some more new content: four and two-player multiplayer modes playable over Xbox Live. Yes, you can again experience the joys of having some idiot rage quit on you after you bust out some Extreme Fever on their sorry selves.

In addition to all the new and old Nights content, PopCap says that they’ve tuned the game “specifically for the XBLA player,” which might be referring to how the game controls on a pad as opposed to a mouse and keyboard. This isn’t Team Fortress 2 or something, though. Peggle really works on multiple control schemes, so no worries there.

“The addictive and fun gameplay of the Peggle franchise translates extremely well when tuned for the XBLA platform,” PopCap studio chief Sukhbir Sidhu said. “Since launching earlier this year, Peggle for XBLA earned top awards from industry critics while taking full advantage of the XBLA multiplayer format to deliver an incredible gameplay experience. Peggle Nights essentially doubles the size of the Peggle XBLA universe for players everywhere.”

If you haven’t tried Peggle yet, this should be the version to get if you want to play on your comfy couch and in front of the boob tube. For everyone else, you’ll have to ask yourself if it’s worth buying again, and, if you’re like me, the answer will probably be yes. Sigh.

UPDATE: Oooh it seems I missed a key tidbit here. Nights is being pushed as an expansion pack – a huge one at that – so you might need to buy the old game and Nights on top of that if you’re coming in fresh.

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